
News & Events


Date Posted: July 12, 2024


“He sent me to bring the good news to the poor, tell prisoners that they are prisoners no more, tell blind people that they can see and set the downtrodden free” Lk 4: 18

Today we witness the sending on mission of our four young and vibrant Sisters who have completed their initial formation in the seminary. They are being sent to different local communities where they will encounter Christ and serve Him corporally and spiritually in persons living in poverty while bearing in mind that their Sisters are their first poor. As Daughters of Charity, after a period of intense formation within the four walls of the seminary which is a period of two years you will be ‘Sent on Mission.

These four Sisters have zealously responded to the call of Christ and are willing to be sent wherever it pleases Divine Providence so that they can win souls for Christ and grow in intimacy with Him. In Redemptoris Missio "An essential characteristic of missionary spirituality is intimate communion with Christ." "The missionary is urged on by “zeal for souls,” a zeal inspired by Christ's own charity, which takes the form of concern, tenderness, compassion, openness, availability and interest in people's problems". The call to mission derives, of its nature, from the call to holiness...The universal call to holiness is closely linked to the universal call to mission. Every member of the faithful is called to holiness and to mission...The Church's missionary spirituality is a journey toward holiness."

May the Lord of the mission grant to our Sisters the zeal to serve him devotedly, may He protect, guide, guard and sustain them in His vineyard

Congratulations dear Sisters