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Efforts to raise funds from outside for the construction of this building failed and the Daughters of Charity took up the challenge. The Sisters and staff of De Paul  Rehabilitation Centre Ossiomo worked very hard and made sacrifices to save money from the ophthalmic services of the Centre, which funded this building project in its entirety. Due to the water-logged nature of the soil, extra fortifications had to be made to avoid the soaking of the foundation which might lead to the collapse of the building.

The house contains three bedrooms, a sitting room and two toilets. The house was blessed and officially commissioned on the 4th March 2014.


In order that Mr. Kolobi and his family will have a means of livelihood, the Daughters of Charity and one of their friends, Mr. Abuno Ndekwu, have provided 48 crates of assorted drinks for the take-off of the sale of drinks by the family. We urge Mr. Kolobi and his family to build on this foundation and take this business to greater heights.

To God be the Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!